How Did I Become a Landscape Architect?

It all started a few years ago now when I was studying science at university with the intention to be a vet. I had desperately wanted to work as a vet since my grade 10 work experience. I was hooked when I saw my first operation on a baby lama the day I arrived. However, years later while working towards this goal at university it changed. I was in the middle of an animal anatomy subject standing there cutting up a calf fetus. I realised this is not what I want to do anymore.

So, as you do in life when these things happen, and I had what I like to call my mid-uni crisis. I followed my mother’s advice (thanks mum) and took one of those quizzes that spit out what jobs would suit you. Now of those top 20 jobs landscape architecture was number 1. Knowing completely nothing about landscape architecture or what it was. I did what any self-respecting person would do in the days before smartphones. I got out a phone book and called one.

That day when I randomly ran my finger down the page titled landscape architects. Randomly stopping at one and called turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. It has led me to a career over the last 15 years which has brought me so much opportunity and joy. It has allowed me to travel and appreciate how much the outside world around us really matters.

But more importantly, it has allowed me to be able to work with people and create spaces that people can use. It changes their lives and gives them the ability to connect to a landscape. There is nothing better than sitting and watching people enjoy using a place you have designed.

As much joy as I get out of designing, I get just as much joy out of teaching and speaking about all things landscape. To help people to see the world a little differently and all the amazing things in it. To appreciate good design, our environment. I am happy to talk about the importance of street trees and nature play for hours. To talk about why biodiversity is so important but they are probably blog posts for another day.

If you would like to learn more about me and Orterra. How we can help you create places you would love or discuss speaking at your event. Call us I am always happy to talk through your ideas.