Playground Design for Nature Play Spaces


Designing a nature play space for a playground involves creating an environment that encourages children to explore, engage with, and appreciate the natural world. The design and implementation of nature play spaces can be achieved within a large variety of sites and even on the smallest of budgets. Here are some key elements and considerations for the design of playgrounds to incorporate nature play spaces:

Loose Parts

  • Provide loose parts like sticks, stones, and leaves that children can use for creative play. These materials can be moved, stacked, and manipulated, fostering imagination and problem-solving.

Water Play

  • Include a water source (such as a tap or hand pump), or a mud kitchen where children can engage in water play and learn about the properties of water.

Sensory Elements

  • Design areas with a variety of textures, colours, and scents to stimulate the senses. Consider aromatic plants, different ground covers, and textured surfaces.
  • Consider a vegetable and herb garden where children can pick, touch and smell aromatic edible plants

Playful Elements & Structures:

  • Incorporate natural elements like boulders, logs, and tree stumps for climbing. Ensure these elements are arranged in a way that promotes both challenge and safety.
  • Use the natural topography of the site to create hills and mounds for rolling, sliding, and climbing.
  • Create winding paths and trails for exploration. These can be surfaced with materials like wood chips or gravel to blend with the natural surroundings.

Shade and Seating Elements:

  • Incorporate seating areas for both children and teachers to encourage social interaction, places to quietly sit, and places to teach outside the classroom.
  • Include shaded areas using trees, pergolas, or other structures to provide relief from the sun.

Engaging in nature play can offer a wide range of benefits for children, promoting both physical and cognitive development. It provides a rich and dynamic environment for learning and growth, contributing to the overall well-being of children.

We would love to hear from you about your experiences with nature play so contact us today!

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