Stafford Heights State School Nature Play Space

Nature Play Space Design orterra School playspace

Orterra worked closely with Stafford Heights State School to transform an unused area of their school into a large natural play area. The school wanted to change the way the students played and bring nature play into the school and realised that this site was perfect. 

Orterra worked closely with the school and students to develop the design. The main ideas and themes behind the design were driven and influenced by workshops with the year 5 and 6 students. Through a series of activities we worked with to get an understand what the students wanted to do and see in the space. 

The area with which the school wanted to change into a play space was particularly large. The natural topography of the site and the This allowed for creating multiple different areas for play and plenty of opportunities for the students.

As nature play and loose parts play has not been something Stafford Heights had understanding of how students could play in this way. Orterra worked with the school to develop a strategy to assist students, teachers and parents to understand the benefits to nature play. The school have started implementing the strategy to great success. We cannot wait to see how the space develops.

Nature Play Space Design Playspace

Nature Play Space Design orterra School education playspace

Nature Play Space Design Orterra