Nature Play-based Self-Built Playground, Widgee State School

Widgee State School engaged Orterra to assist with creating a nature play-based design for their horse paddock area. The horse paddock historically was where the school students tethered their horses while they were at school. This space while no longer required for keeping horses. Has now become a nature play and outdoor learning haven.

This project aimed to create a design that the school and children could complete by themselves. Almost everything is child-led. Orterra set up the framework for the school and students to work within.

This school has created an amazing nature play and teaching environment. The majority of lessons are now taught outdoors and the growth in the students has been astounding. This school has jumped into their natural environment with both feet and we cannot wait to hear more about their progression as they move forward.

To find out more about getting your student involved in creating spaces give us a call