How To Screen Out Your Neighbours With Plants?

With property land sizes shrinking and the size of the average Australian house growing, privacy is becoming compromised in the urban suburbs. There are many ways to screen your neighbours for more privacy in your yard. However, in this blog, we are going to focus on some of the types of plants that make great screens and provide you with a bit more privacy making your yard feel more secluded. In this blog post we are going to look at some groups of plants to consider. However, with all our advice on plants make sure you choose the right plant for the right place!


Trees are a great screen for larger gardens and can provide great height. Dense foliage will deliver the most privacy. If you have any services nearby make sure you take this into consideration when choosing a species, as some trees have aggressive root systems. Some good choices are Magnolia grandiflora, Cupressus sempervirens, Callistemon viminalis and Elaeocarpus eumundii.

Shrubs/ Hedges

There are many shrubs that can form dense hedges that are fast-growing and provide a great screening. Hedges do require a bit of maintenance at the start to keep them dense and well-shaped while establishing. They require pruning a few times a year keep them tidy once established. Syzygium australe which has many types of cultivars that grow to different heights is a great choice. Viburnum odoratissimum, Phontinia x fraseri and Murraya paniculata are also great hedging plants.  

Tropical Plants

Heliconia species and Alocasia brisbanensis are fast growing and give a lush tropical feel to the garden. They make them fantsastic screening plants. They come in a variety of heights, depending on what you require. Other great options are Rhapis excelsa and Calathea lutea.

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash


Bamboo is a perfect screen for narrow areas. They are fast-growing and dense but can create a bit of mess. Bambusa textilis ‘Gracillis’ are tall, narrow, and straight. Many people think bamboo will get away and you will have it growing everywhere, however, if you choose a clumping bamboo this is not a problem and you can get a very tall quick growing plant in a short amount of space.  


There are two different types of climbers. Ones that require a trellis to grow on and ones that will hold to a surface. If you are choosing a self-climbing variety then make sure your wall or fence can support it. If you are attaching it to the fence you may need to consult your neighbours first. Pandorea jasminoides, Hardenbergia violacea and Trachelospermum jasminoides are fast-growing and provide a nice flower. 

We are always happy to help chose plant species so give us a call today if you need advice on what species to plant and where.